Thursday 30 September 2010

Roald Dahl "Biography"

Roald Dahl was born on 13 September in Llandaff in Wales. In 1929 Roald went to Repton and there he helped to test a new chocolate bars for Cadbury’s. He suffering the deaht dad when he was three.
Roald Dahl left school, so in 1934 he went to work for “Shell” because he wanted to travel around the world, especially places how Africa or China. Finally in 1936 his dream to keep, because the big oil company, Shell, sent him to east Africa, but the problem was how Roald hates the snakes.
In 1939 he joined the Royal Air Force at the start of II World War. In the RAF he became a figter pilot. One dat he was flying Hurricane aeroplanes acroos the Mditerranean Sea. When his pplane crasehd in the Westen Desert, in North Africa, and he received severe injuries to his head, nose and back.
In 1942 he work in the British Embassy but he love write. So, his first adult story was publised, and he first children story was about mischievous creatures callled Gremlins. Last one was publised in the USA, Britain and Australia.
In 1961 publised in the USA “James and the Giant Peach, followed by “Charlie and the chocolate Factory” in 1964. Six years lather James and Charli become two of the most successuful and popular children’s book ever. In 1978 Roald Dahl and Quentin Blake began with the publication of “The enormous Crocodile”.
Roald Dahl died on 23 November in 1990, with seventy-four.


Thursday 23 September 2010

The magic finger

The magic finger
Is a children’s story by Roald Dahl.

the story is about the Gregg family that hunts ducks for fun and is narrated by an unnamed eight-year-old girl who lives next door to them. The girl possesses a power to punish people who make her cross called "the magic finger" but she has no control over what it does or when it happens.

There are only five characters in the story.

Farm, USA, contemporary. It was published in 1.966



Matilda Wormwood is a very special girl because she having five years, and have read many books. Her mediocre parents care little about her and encourage her to watch television by refusing to buy books.
Ingenious and resolute, Matilda realizes that he is more intelligent than their parents. While stay outside goes to the public library, so when school she is better than her mates. She meets a nice teacher, Miss Jennifer Honey, and the worst principal, Agatha Trunchbull.
Put the children in a torturing device they call "the asfixiadero" or "trap" or through the air, often without any evidence that they have done something wrong, or simply because they disagree.
Mtilda dicoverd that she had powers telekinetics. This night she decides to use her powers to make miserable life’s Trunchbull. Trunchbull finds it and sucious a student of Honey. When examining the class Trunchbull Miss Honey, Matilda uses her powers to write on the blackboard. Pretending to be the ghost of the father of his teacher. The next day, Miss Trunchbull disappears. It also appears his will, and discovers that Miss Honey is the legitimate heir of the property.
At the end of history, the police catches the Matilda’s father, who had been selling stolen cars, so he decides to runaway with his family to Spain, but Matilda asks them to let her stay with Miss Honey and his parents agreed.


CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY(the best presentation) yerzy and santi

Charlie Bucket, a nice boy from a poor family, lives with his parents and his grandparents. They Hear a storie about the candymaker Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory he built in Charlie's hometown. Mr. Wonka had decided to send home his workers and close the factory. Years of silence passed until one day, when the factory mysteriously came back to life but the gates Stay locked, but the factory has resumed operations with workers, nobody know who the were
Mr. Bucket's evening paper saids that Wonka is holding a contest all around the world , in which five Golden Tickets are under the wrap of his candy bars, the prize for whose find them is whole day long tour in the factory. The first four tickets are found by four bad children, the fat Augustus Gloop,after spoiled Veruca Salt,after chewing gum-addicted Violet Beauregarde and television-obsessed Mike Teavee.
Charlie also wan´the ticket, he found a silver coin in the street and bought two two Wonka Bars, the firs bar haven’t got nothing , but when he was opening the second he saw the gold ticket. He runs home to tell his family. Together, the five lucky winners then await the big day.
While each of the other four children are chaperoned by their parents. As the group moves from room to room, the tour turns into a punishment for the bad children as one child after another falls victim to his or her particular vices and is removed
Augustus falls into a chocolate river and is sucked up a pipe to the fudge room.
Violet blows up into a blueberry after consuming experimental chewing gum and has to be taken to the Juicing Room to get the juice out of her.
Veruca attempts to take one of Wonka's nut-cracking squirrels for her own and is thrown down a garbage chute. Afterwards, her father follows her down the garbage chute.
Mike is shrunk after meddling with dangerous television equipment and has to be taken to the Toffee Puller to be stretched back to normal
Charlie is the only child who does not misbehave throughout the factory tour. Seeing that he is the only one left, Wonka announces that he has "won." He receives the entire factory and will take over the company after Wonka retires. The reason Wonka had sent out the Golden Tickets was to find a child to be his heir, as he himself has no family to carry on his work. Wonka, Charlie and Grandpa Joe board a special glass elevator.
They see the four bad children leave the factory with permanent reminders of their misbehaviour as well as their lifetime supply of chocolate

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Trailer) y Santi and Yerzy

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Nadia -